Thursday, December 13, 2007

Learn from my Mistakes

Tonight I learned a very valuable lesson. Be careful about your pride because nothing good that comes from you is rooted in your heart, it comes from God.. I realized this tonight because I expressed my concern to my aunt about a guy that my cousin is dating. Not to hurt anyone or to make anyone disappointed in me, but because I thought I knew what was best for someone. I thought I knew what was best for my cousin, but I don't. Only God knows what is best for her. Only God can give her the abundant life that he has in store for her. Only God can give her what is best for her. Not me. I am not God.
Is there a situation in your life where you feel like you know what is best for someone? Be careful and pray dilligently about God's will rather than your own. We are not God....THANK GOD!

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